Friday, November 30, 2012

       This is another Tessellation done by M.C. Escher. Its called "Sky and Water". Naturally you can derive its name because the shape translates from birds to fish. I found that interesting. It's also cool how the background travels from white to black representing to me; air and water.
      Being that my name is indeed Tess, I have a slight fascination  with "Tessellations". This in particular one was done by an artist named M.C. Escher. He's one of the artists that better known for their Tessellation's. This one was done in 1938 and is called "Day and Night". I love the way it clearly translates from day to night or light to dark. The contrast is interesting. It's also interesting how the shape of the birds translate into a completely different shape, becoming checkered like.

Friday, November 16, 2012

I was inspired by this image also because of my 2D class. We are entering into a project where we take pixels or squares of blacks, grays, and whites, and place them together to create an image, like the one above. I like this one better than the ones we are doing because it's in color. Also the patterns in each square add to make the image more complex, and also to create the different shades of the childs face. The artist above is Chuck Close, he does many more like this, including more abstract ones. When I'm done this project I'll post it!
This is a project I just completed in my 2D Design class. Using only blacks, whites, and grays. I chose this text and layout because it reminded me of Superman! I like it because it has volume and dimension!  I also meant for it to somewhat look like it was exploding or protruding from the background image. I was happy how it turned out so I figured why not put it up here.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

This reminded me of more of the Beggarstaff Bro's work and concept the the background helps to create an image in the foreground. Plus you may know by now how much I love Superman! I can always appreciate a good Superman design! P.S. is it me or does that red hurt your eyes! #crazycontrast

Friday, November 2, 2012

I chose this picture because of the new poster project were doing. It is a funny spin off the Beggarstaff Brothers. It displays there style with the simple colors and using the background colors to create the foreground.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

One last Halloween bit! This is actually my boyfriend and myself on Halloween at a party. This picture was taken and he decided to mess around a little bit with it. I believe he used Photoshop. He used the blur tool and some sort of dark filter over the entire picture. He also added a scary zombie looking girl in the background that's hard to notice but creepy when you do! Enjoy!
This before and after is even cooler! I'm super impressed with what the artist did here. It's cool how you can still see a little bit of his original face still on the left side of his face.

In the spirit of Halloween I've decided to post a few "creepy cool" images done on Photoshop. This one is pretty interesting how they've almost turned the girl into stone! She's beginning to crack and peel away! I'm fairly impressed with the effects. It reminds me of the Chronicles of Narnia, what the witch does to all who defy her! What'da ya thinl?